Monday, August 31, 2009

Enfocamp's Summer camps end

August, the main stretch of the summer, is coming to an end and Enfocamp summer camps are following suit and closing up their programs throughout Spain. We've enjoyed several camp sessions full of fun, happiness and unforgettable moments, which may have already ended but remain fresh in our students' minds and memories. We've spent many days with them immersed in activities and games, we've celebrated as they learned languages and we've enjoyed watching as new and lifelong friendships blossomed between youngsters from all around the world. We welcomed a sea of excited yet nervous faces which were immediately lit with smiles, smiles which didn't disappear until the inevitable day of farewells. The frowns didn't last, however, as the joy of remembering all the good moments far outweighs the sadness of saying goodbye. Hundreds of faces that we will never forget, just as we expect that they will not forget us nor all the students in every corner of the world who are longing for the unbeatable days of camp and waiting to see each other again. From the folks here at Enfocamp. we want to thank all of the students who have chosen us to be a part of their summer, as well as all those who have been following campers' day-to-day routine through our Enfocamp Club web space, a special site that we've been enthusiastically updating and completing. Once again, Enfocamp has been a complete success, which in turn pushes us strive for even more next year in our continuing efforts to offer new students - as well as many of the returning students who come back year after year - the best summer of their lives.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pictures from Marbella Alemán Summer Camp!

How is Marbella Alemán taking place?

The welcome day! Our students are finally here! We've seen a bunch of reunions between friends from all around the world. The trip to the camp has been so long and tired for many of them... but it was worth it. We had time to play, arrange the first underground ping-pong tournaments, meet each other... It's just wonderful have the best people among us!

Today was a really cool day. After the classes we performed a bunch of things: workshops, camp activities , sport ands... POOL! Every group had a nice time in the water. At night, burgers, french fries, fizzy drinks and ice cream at open air.

Pictures from Marbella Albergue Summer Camp!

Lets see how's running one of the camps in Marbella: the Albergue.

Sport and games to make a contrast with the lessons. And there's no better place than the pool to get rid of this heat.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

All Enfocamp Summer Camps are ongoing!

This past Sunday, began all Enfocamp’s Summer Camps that hadn’t opened their doors: Madrid, Valencia, Marbella Alemán, Barcelona, Seville and Granada.

From the charming atmosphere of Barcelona to Granada’s magical little streets, passing by Madrid, the capital of the country, and Valencia the Mediterranean great city, hundreds of kids from all around the world just joined up the experience of living two weeks into an international fun environment, a perfect mixture to learn the most important languages and create friendships, no matter how many borders must be trespassed.

As many students already did, and many more will do someday, they are currently enjoying the stay and taking advantage of every single second from this unforgettable fortnight.

All the information is available at Enfocamp Club and social networking.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Pictures from Enfocamp Marbella Alborán!

People from the camp tell us what's going on there:

Here we are one more year! The first day has been awesome. We met each other, practiced sports, went to the pool... and at night, music and dance. Welcome to 2009 summercamp!

The arrival of the students was a success. Sports, pool, beach, welcome dynamics... The adaptation has been great, just like the big welcome party

So many contrasts today! We started with a frenzied aquatic gymkana and then a relax workshop... At night, we went out to the mytical Mic-Mac. Funny dances with no need of alcohol: just music and joyful.

Pictures from Enfocamp Salamanca!

Enfocamp's monitors tell us what's going on at the camps:

It's been a great day for swimming. The students went to San José's pool, and then went back to the camp to a workshop where they prepared the medieval party scheduled for that night. They drawed banners, disguised themselves, created posters...

At night, we had the great medieval party. There were some stalls with different tests; if the students got through them, they were able to get their balloon-sword at the armory. Pictures show the different tests.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Enfocamp Club is now available!

The brand-new Enfocamp Club’s web page has been just uploaded! Is this site, available in four different languages, we will publish pictures from every summer camp, classified into days, plus a breakdown of all the activities scheduled for each journey and comments about the colonies, written by teachers and monitors. Functional and eye-catching, every web surfer, no matter whether is experienced or not, will be able to access to all the updated information about the summer camp desired. In Enfocamp Club you can also find some direct accesses to our groups in social networks such as like Facebook, where we will also publish pictures and comments. In addition, to make everything easier, there is a newsletters service to receive by e-mail every update done in the web site. Welcome everyone to Enfocamp Club, the space where you will get to know quickly what is going on in the summer camps!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer camps just began!

This past Sunday, three of our camps just began: Marbella Alborán, Marbella Albergue and Salamanca. Many students are already enjoying the best experience of their summer time! Among these days, they’ve been attending the Spanish lessons and some of the many activities they will have until the camp finishes; of course, they have also had the chance of meeting the rest of the students, from Spain and all around the world as well, and start growing a true friendship that for sure will last forever. From the amazing beaches in Marbella to the charming old quarter in Salamanca, every single student who has chosen Enfocamp to have a great summer is living his own unforgettable holidays and learning at the same time one of the most important languages in the world. Pretty soon, the rest of the camps will open their doors, and many more students will join this one-of-a-kind experience. Isn’t it a great opportunity? Put your trust in Enfocamp for a fun summer!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer camps in Spain & Mexico

For the past 19 years, ENFOCAMP has provided the answer for children and teenagers who want to spend a unique summer making friends, having fun, experiencing new things and learning languages in an international summer camp.

Each year we welcome participants ages 5 to 18 from around the globe to our 10 camps in Spain and Mexico. Together, campers participate in summer language courses, excursions, sports, workshops, parties, competitions, cultural visits, scavenger hunts... all of this and much more ensures each of our campers has the summer of a lifetime!

In fact, many of our participants have such a wonderful experience with us that they come back year after year to improve languages, learn new sports and reconnect with their international friends!